Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Blog For the Ages. A Blog For All Time.

Hello fans. I've been thinking. I've been thinking that the greatest goal I can hope to achieve in this life is to be a blogstar. 

Of course it'd be nice to be a rockstar or a movie star, or even to do something meaningful and important, to change the world, to help the less fortunate--but let's be reasonable. Who has the time or the energy? 

Not me. People, we live in a glorious era. You can make a living sitting in front of a computer screen, eating Twinkies, and bitching about famous people and things that are happening. Other people sitting in front of computer screens eating Twinkies CARE about famous people and things that are happening, and ultimately, they'll eat up your bullshit as well; first a few, then a few hundred, then a few MILLION. And at this point, hell, you're meeting celebrities, you're on red carpets, you've got a book deal and a pilot for VH1 in the works--all without that awful, pesky WORK. 

The so-called blogosphere is the promised land of the internet; a California gold mine for the modern man; the American dream computerized, digitized, globalized and mobilized, each pixel gleaming and ripe with opportunity!!!! Fans, I plan to grab this blogosphere by the...sphereness and MAKE IT TO THE BIG TIME! And you are here to help me!!

Seriously though. I'm Haley, and my friend Sagen and I are going to sit here and bitch and maybe tell you about some fun and interesting things. Hopefully we make you laugh or even give you another stop in your daily Facebook -> email -> Perez Hilton -> StumbleUpon routine. 

Yeah, you can come see us after Perez. We'll understand.

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